1Step 1
Download the My T-Mobile/ Mój T-Mobile application from the Google Play Store or from the App Store to your device using Wi-Fi.
2Step 2
Enter the phone number you want to register and the PUK code printed on the SIM card.
3Step 3
Confirm your identity by logging into the bank online service.
We care about the security of your data, which is why we use safe and proven solutions. In order to confirm your data, we use Moje ID - it is a solution developed by the KIR (more info). When selecting the verification method, select Moje ID, and then select the bank from the list with which you will confirm your identity - we will confirm your First Name, Surname and PESEL number.
No worries! Your bank login details are not saved anywhere.
4Step 4
Confirm your consent to the registration via the application. DONE! Your number is already registered.
After registering the number in the My T-Mobile application/ Mój T-Mobile app, you will receive an e-mail confirming the registration. All that's left is to activate the SIM card!
Karta rejestracyjna T-Mobile na kartę / Heyah na kartę / tuBiedronka Otwiera się w nowym oknie Podmioty inne niż Osoby Fizyczne -
Karta rejestracyjna T-Mobile na kartę / Heyah na kartę / tuBiedronka Otwiera się w nowym oknie Osoba Fizyczna