When, in 1996, flannel shirts reigned on Polish streets, Poles were buying VHS tapes in local rental shops and Adam Małysz won his first world cup ski jumping gold medal, for sure few would have guessed that any moment soon the communication revolution would be knocking at Poland's door. Or rather, that it would call. Because this revolution began with the first digital connection.
It was 25 years ago, thanks to the infrastructure of Era GSM, the first commercial digital network in Poland, and with the use of the Ericsson GH388 digital phone that the first public telephone conversation in Poland took place in the GSM standard.
25 years have passed since then and we are still with you every day - when you work and study remotely, sitting in your favorite armchair, when you watch the long-awaited season of your beloved TV series, or when you send your parents pictures from your vacations in the Mazury las district. What did Polish reality look like in those yesteryears? What technological stage are we at today? And most importantly - what is still ahead of us? We invite you on a digital journey through the past, present and... future!